
Phpstorm 2019.1 activation
Phpstorm 2019.1 activation

phpstorm 2019.1 activation

We’ve added support for debugging Blade templates in PhpStorm 2019.1. We would like to hear from you on how you like the current implementation, then based on this feedback we will try to improve and expand it to the other use-cases. According to the survey and stats, the main use-case is Docker, which is why we have started with this first. This feature is a subset of a broader request to support Composer via any remote PHP interpreter ( WI-23544). Under Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Composer you can find a new Docker radio button option, where you’ll be able to configure the Docker server (this is not a PHP server), as well as provide an image, the Composer executable name, and the container options: You are now able to run Composer via any Docker image ( WI-45865). In PhpStorm 2019.1.2, this is finally solved. But it could be that this differs from the one you have in your containerized dev environment, or you might not even have a local PHP interpreter at all both of which might cause problems. You needed a local PHP setup in order to run it. While PhpStorm supports PHP interpreters via Docker and Docker-compose, it still had some parts missing. The usage of containerized environments by PHP developers is steadily growing by roughly 12% each year – from 18% in 2017, to 30% in 2018, to 42% in 2019, according to The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey. This release also contains a Blade templates debugging fix, and a bunch of other bug fixes and improvements for PHP, the Web, and includes all the latest improvements made to the IntelliJ Platform. In this second minor update for the PhpStorm 2019.1 we are happy to bring you support for Composer via Docker.

Phpstorm 2019.1 activation